The Importance of Personalized Outreach in Sales Prospecting

The Importance of Personalized Outreach in Sales Prospecting

It is hard to get people to pay attention to you. Your prospect probably:

  • Get dozens of inbound emails a day
  • Get multiple LinkedIn requests per day
  • Get sales calls every day

How do I reach potential customers in a genuine way that actually gets them to respond?
- Sales Leader, Series C Startup

Generic sequences and messages are often met with eye rolls and deletes.

“Hi <first_name>. I read your LinkedIn profile. Very impressive. Lets connect”

Potential customers are savvy and can spot canned messages like these from a mile away.

What is personalized outreach?

Personalized outreach is the act of tailoring your sales pitch to the individual prospect you are reaching out to. This means doing your research and understanding their needs, pain points, and goals. Once you have a good understanding of the prospect, you can craft a message that is relevant and engaging to them.

Why is personalized outreach hard?

Doing this well takes time, and current automated tools for outreach generate generic, low-quality outreaches which typically get 0 to 2% response rates.

  • Expandi,io  and Dux-Soup are popular LinkedIn outreach tools for automatically generating lots of low-quality messages.
  • gives you lists of contacts and ways to automate outreach but is fundamentally limited in the types of data and outreach quality it provides
  • Outreach is a sales automation tool without AI personalization capabilities

Why is personalized outreach important?

There are many reasons why personalized outreach is important for sales prospecting:

  • It helps you stand out from the crowd. In a sea of generic messages, a personalized message will make you stand out and capture the prospect’s attention.
  • It builds trust and rapport. When you take the time to personalize your message, it shows the prospect that you care about their needs and are not just trying to sell them something.
  • It increases your chances of getting a response. Studies have shown that personalized outreach is significantly more likely to get a response than generic outreach.
  • It improves your conversion rates. Once you have a prospect’s attention, you are more likely to be able to convert them into a customer.

How to personalize your outreach

There are many ways to personalize your outreach. Here are a few tips:

  • Do your research. The more you know about the prospect, the better you will be able to tailor your message.
  • Use their name. This is a simple but effective way to make your message more personal.
  • Reference something specific to their company or industry. This shows that you have taken the time to learn about them.
  • Address their specific needs or pain points. This shows that you are listening to them and that you have something to offer them.
  • Make a clear call to action. Tell the prospect what you want them to do next.

The SuperKeen.AI chrome plugin does all of the above for you automatically for any LinkedIn profile. It writes the message for you, while still giving you full control to edit and refine the message before hitting send.

Examples of personalized outreach

Here are a few examples of personalized outreach:

  • Email: “I noticed that your company is using [product or service]. I believe that our product, [product or service], could help you [solve a specific problem].”
  • LinkedIn message: “I saw that you are connected with [mutual connection]. I would love to get your insights on the challenges you are facing in [industry].”
  • Phone call: “I am reaching out to you today because I was impressed with your recent article on [topic]. I would love to discuss how our company can help you achieve your goals.”

You can get this level of personalization in using SuperKeen in seconds. 

Key takeaways

Personalized outreach is a critical part of successful sales prospecting. By using SuperKeen.AI to tailor your messages to the individual prospect, you can increase your chances of getting a response, converting leads into customers, and closing more deals.

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